Our Team is led by a Debt Specialist, a Post-Graduate in Finance and Law and together with over 10 years’ experience in financial services industry.

We have ensured that hundreds of financially stressed consumers with bad debt listing that have passed through our doors walk away CREDITWORTHY once again.

Debt Review Removal

We understand that trying to apply a loan and getting declined due to a debt review listing on your credit status can be very frustrating. To avoid these frustrations all the time we have a solution for you.
We help you REMOVE your name from debt review and CLEAR your debt review listing status on ITC/Credit Bureau Profile.
Once you have decided to cancel the debt review services to make direct payments towards your own accounts, the debt counselling services might be cancelled and suspended, but the debt review status and debt review listing will still remain to reflect on your credit profile. According to the National Credit Act, a debt counsellor has no powers to remove and clear your debt review listing and status on the credit bureaus.
A debt review listing can only be removed from your credit records and status by obtaining a formal termination court order from a Magistrate, which court order confirms the formal termination of the debt review process and further also to declare that both parties are no longer over-indebted and no longer subject to the debt review and debt restructuring process.
Our attorney will appear on your behalf to obtain the required debt review termination and clearance court order from the Magistrate. Once the court order is obtained we will provide you with a copy of the same and then proceed to submit the court order together with your supporting documents to all registered credit bureaus in order to remove and clear the debt review listing and status from your credit records and profile.
The process for clearance at the registered credit bureaus will be finalized within 5 to 7 working days. This means you will therefore regain your financial freedom and apply any type of loan soonest possible.

Debt Review Clearance Certificates

According to the National Credit Act, when all your debts are paid-up your creditors are supposed to issue a paid-up letters and a Debt Counsellor will then use those to generate a Clearance Certificate(Form 19). The debt counsellor has update your profile on NCR Debt Help System (DHS) and send a certified copy of this clearance certificate to all your creditors and all registered credit bureaus.
After receiving your clearance certificate, you need to give the credit bureaus and creditors time to update your profile. It's often best to allow for 30-60 days before applying for credit.

Prescribed Debt

In terms of Prescription Act 68 of 1969, any debt arising from credit agreements is extinguished after 3 years. A consumer who is indebted to credit providers will not be liable to pay such debt after these 3 years have passed. This means the credit provider in terms of this Act may not institute legal action against the consumer or commence to demand payments for such a debt. Therefore that debt must be written off and removed from the consumer credit profile.
However, if in these 3 years that has lapsed there was an acknowledgement of debt by the consumer or summons served by the credit provider on the consumer the prescription interrupted and therefore cannot be written off. 

Judgements Removal

Judgements are removed from your credit profile after the 5 year judgement period. However, if you pay the full outstanding amount before the 5 years lapsed, the judgement will be removed from your credit report. The judgement will be removed from your name as soon as the credit bureau has received proof of payment from the credit provider or if the bureau received a valid court order rescinding the judgement.





Get A Chance To Be Creditworthy Again!

Tsivo Solutions offers the opportunity to clear your adverse listing & look towards a sound financial futuregradient.


One of our friendly consultants will be in contact shortly.

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Kenya Building, 49 Main Road, Bergvliet, Cape Town,7945


068 144 4794 WhatsApp: 068 144 4794



Working Hours:

Monday – Friday (08h00 – 18h00)
Saturdays (09h00 – 13h00)

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Here are some of the services we offer:

1) Debt Review Removal,
2) Debt Review Clearance Certificate,
3) Prescribed debt,
4) Judgement removals
5) Rescission of Admin order